Monthly Archives: October 2020

Book Sale Postponed

This event postponed to a later date.

The Friends of Castle Cary Library will be holding a book sale at the Market House, Castle Cary on Saturday, 7th November 9.30 -12 noon.

Come, find a selection of new, nearly new and not so new books and support us in raising funds for Library Development.

Please wear a mask and follow the one-way system to
keep this event Covid-safe

Castle Cary Museum and the Library Working Together

This event postponed to a later date due to new restrictions.

Come into the Market House on Tuesdays, 10.15-11.45, and you will find an exciting collection of museum artefacts and local history books to have a look at. Most of the books can be borrowed if you are a Library Member (and if you are not it is easy and free to become one).

Books for Children

This event postponed to a later date due to new restrictions.

We are very conscious that because of the size of our library and where the children’s books are, we cannot allow children to browse. But we have found something of a solution. On Fridays 10.15 – 11.45 bring your pre-schoolers over to the Market House and we can let them browse a selection of our newest and most exciting books for their age group, and on Saturdays 10.15 – 11.45 it is the turn of the Primary School age group to come over with a parent to choose their weekend reading.

Preschoolers (under 5)
Some of the books the children can browse

Browsing the Library

We’ve managed it! Despite our small space we’ve created an area where our borrowers can hunt for their own books again! It’s not the whole library, but it’s a good section – and if you think what you want is in the rest of the library we are only too happy to look for you.

If you have got used to us finding books for you, please do go on asking us to do it. We have resources which tell us which other authors are like your favourites.