Call in to see us at the Library – we have recently received a large number of large print books (both fiction and non-fiction) to add to our shelves and also a new selection of DVDs.
Large Print Books and DVDs

More than books…
Call in to see us at the Library – we have recently received a large number of large print books (both fiction and non-fiction) to add to our shelves and also a new selection of DVDs.
Our Friday sessions for babies and pre-schoolers are now scheduled for 9.30am – 10am, so that parents delivering older children to school can come straight on to Story Time with the younger ones. After the session your child can have fun choosing books to take home – they’re never too young for the library habit!
The last Story Time this term is Friday 20 December and first one next term will be on Friday 10 January.
Don’t forget that we have a used book table at the Moat Garden and EatCary Coffee Morning at the Market House, Castle Cary from 9.30 to 12.00 on Saturday 12th October. Do come along and bring your friends.
A date for your diary
We plan to repeat our highly successful ‘Bookstop’ stall at Castle Cary BIG CHRISTMAS on Thursday 5th December. More information in a couple of weeks.
Every Friday, 10.30 to 11am during term time! Bring your baby & toddler/s and join us in the Community Library for a fun ‘Rhymetime!
All children must be accompanied by their carers.
The Library is a Registered Charity called the “Friends of Castle Cary Community Library” which is governed by its Trustees. The Trustees are accountable to the membership, (the “Friends”) at an annual general meeting. At present there are five Trustees, Roger Weldhen (Chairman), Les Kimberley, Laura Tilling, Janice Collins and Judi Morison.
You can support you community library in a number of ways. Certainly make use of your free membership by joining at your earliest opportunity if you have not already done so. Support future events of which there will be a number. Consider joining the Friends of Castle Cary Community Library as a volunteer. Above all, help make your library the hub of our community.
Please continue to donate good quality used children’s books for book sales/book swaps to be held in future.