A great selection of books to choose from … and coffee and cakes as well!
Grand Book Sale – 16th March 2024

More than books…
A great selection of books to choose from … and coffee and cakes as well!
This event postponed to a later date due to new restrictions.
We are very conscious that because of the size of our library and where the children’s books are, we cannot allow children to browse. But we have found something of a solution. On Fridays 10.15 – 11.45 bring your pre-schoolers over to the Market House and we can let them browse a selection of our newest and most exciting books for their age group, and on Saturdays 10.15 – 11.45 it is the turn of the Primary School age group to come over with a parent to choose their weekend reading.
Every Friday, 10.30 to 11am during term time! Bring your baby & toddler/s and join us in the Community Library for a fun ‘Rhymetime!
All children must be accompanied by their carers.
You can support you community library in a number of ways. Certainly make use of your free membership by joining at your earliest opportunity if you have not already done so. Support future events of which there will be a number. Consider joining the Friends of Castle Cary Community Library as a volunteer. Above all, help make your library the hub of our community.
Have you joined the reading challenge – there’s only one week left………..
Come into the Library on these days to share stories and organised activities with our student volunteers who will help children make exciting book choices and encourage them to share their reading challenge achievements with others.
Wednesday 24th July | Jessica |
Wednesday 31st July | Jessica |
Tuesday 6th August | Henry |
Wednesday 7th August | Ella |
Wednesday 21st August | Jessica |
Wednesday 28th August | Jessica |
Come along from 10am until 1pm on these days for some extra reading fun.
Check on the Castle Cary Community Library website each week for news of what’s coming up and don’t forget to go to www.spacechase.org.uk for lots of reading fun, puzzles, chat and competitions to take part in.
Here are some links to excellent websites with book recommendations and reviews for children:
You can support you community library in a number of ways. Certainly make use of your free membership by joining at your earliest opportunity if you have not already done so. Support future events of which there will be a number. Consider joining the Friends of Castle Cary Community Library as a volunteer. Above all, help make your library the hub of our community.