Reading Well for Children

More than books…
Summer Reading Challenge 2021 – Great fun for children, this year’s challenge has an environmental theme. Pick up a leaflet from the library to find out more and to help the Wild World Heroes solve problems. Collect stickers every time you finish a book and add these to your poster plus go online for more exciting things to do! Ask in the library and see online at: www.wildworldheroes.org.uk
And for both adults and children, don’t forget to organise your summer reading by dropping into our lovely little library to borrow a few books. Remember too, you can order virtually any book through the online catalogue at www.librarieswest.org.uk where you can also find plenty of online materials such as e-books and digital newspapers and magazines, as well as a range of activities for all ages.
The library is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10am – 12.30pm and 2pm – 4.30pm plus Saturday 10am – 12.30pm. We have a lot of new books in the library, both fiction and non-fiction, including children’s, so it is well worth paying us a visit.
We look forward to seeing you in our lovely local library soon.
Children can have a “lucky dip” pile of 5 or 6 books. Just email ccylib@somerset.gov.uk or ring 07579049109 and tell us their age, first name, card number (if you’ve lost it a surname and post code will let us find it for you) and, if you want to, what they like reading (Adventure? Peppa pig? Dinosaurs? Scary horror? Adventure? Horse stories? Creepy crawlies?) or their favourite authors and we’ll do our best. If you (and/or they) are not a library member we can soon enrol you – it is all free.
Then when the books are ready we ring you and you can collect – we are open Tues, Weds, Fri 10am-12noon and 2pm-3pm and Sat 101m-12noon. If your work/life makes all these times impossible let us know and we will arrange how to get the books to you.
This event postponed to a later date due to new restrictions.
We are very conscious that because of the size of our library and where the children’s books are, we cannot allow children to browse. But we have found something of a solution. On Fridays 10.15 – 11.45 bring your pre-schoolers over to the Market House and we can let them browse a selection of our newest and most exciting books for their age group, and on Saturdays 10.15 – 11.45 it is the turn of the Primary School age group to come over with a parent to choose their weekend reading.
Please remember that despite the temporary closure of the library you can still download e-books, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers either by visiting SomersetReads.co.uk or using the links on our own Essential Information page.
Underneath this you will see that Libraries West is also offering access to medici.tv until 15 May. If you enjoy classical music, opera or ballet this channel has some amazing content.
Of course if you have never used the Libraries West e-services this won’t mean much to you. There couldn’t be a better time to start!
Audio books, e-books and magazine…. there is endless free material to read and listen to at home, and it is continually being updated. From now on, as well as the eMagazines and eComics, you will also be able to use RBdigital to access 1,000’s of digital Newspaper titles.
Our Friday sessions for babies and pre-schoolers are now scheduled for 9.30am – 10am, so that parents delivering older children to school can come straight on to Story Time with the younger ones. After the session your child can have fun choosing books to take home – they’re never too young for the library habit!
The last Story Time this term is Friday 20 December and first one next term will be on Friday 10 January.
Every Friday, 10.30 to 11am during term time! Bring your baby & toddler/s and join us in the Community Library for a fun ‘Rhymetime!
All children must be accompanied by their carers.
Please continue to donate good quality used children’s books for book sales/book swaps to be held in future.