This event is being postponed but to look out for the publicity in the autumn
Author: admin
Music and readings for a Summer Afternoon

A special Summer Event to enjoy at the Methodist Church in North Street, Castle Cary on Sunday 14th July from 2pm to 4pm.
A selection of your favorite passages for a relaxed summer afternoon – from novels, poems, recipes, letters, memoires – will be accompanied by music for flute and piano to complement the mood or period.
The music will be selected by and feature locally renowned musicians Adelaide Brown and Clare Sydenham.
There will, of course, be the opportunity for a luscious cream tea!
Please send in your desired excerpts for consideration to: by May 21 st.
Children’s Corner – Jasper and Milo

Our very first event just for young children. . .
Come along to the Market House in Castle Cary on Wednesday, 29th May between 10am and 12 noon to hear about Jasper & Milo and their new home. Follow the experiences and enjoy the adventures of these two puppy brothers read by author, Lynn Emslie, who lives here in Somerset.
You will find out the joy of reading together
You can listen, tell the story, draw and colour. . .
Don’t miss it!
Register at the library now or email us at
Children’s Corner

What good artists you all are! We asked you to colour in an Easter Egg. Well done Lily-Rose for the winning entry. There will be more events soon for you all to enjoy. Watch this space!

If you go down to the library today….
…..join us in some Easter fun!
Make up a design of your own or colour in an egg to win your prize.
Which is it to be?

Community Library Open

Hurrah! Castle Cary Library is now under the management of the Friends of Castle Cary Community Library (FCCCL). Happy faces celebrate the opening which took place on Tuesday 2nd of April. Come and see us! You are assured of a friendly welcome.
Baby and Toddler

Story and Rhyme Time
Please note there will be no RhymeTime session on Friday, 5th April 2019.
The stories and fun will begin again, after the Easter Break, on Friday 26th April 2019
More than just a Coffee Morning

Looking for a good way to spend a Saturday morning? Spring is almost here and what could be a better way to celebrate than with an excellent Fairtrade coffee and delicious locally made cakes,also available to take home together with jams marmalade and honey!
The Friends of Castle Cary Community Library are arranging such an event to take place on Saturday 23rd of March, 10am to 12 noon at the Market House in the centre of town.
To match the Spring theme a raffle will be held with garden related prizes. A well stocked book stall will give you the chance to find a good read for the weekend.
Are you a member of your local library? Come along and meet Friends of our Community Library. Find out what is happening on April 1st that directly affects you. If you are not a member, discover what you might be missing. Bring the children. They have their own activity denden. Indeed this is very much a family affair. The library is for everyone to enjoy.
Library Opening

We open as a Community Library on Tuesday 2nd April at 10:00am.
Support your Library

You can support you community library in a number of ways. Certainly make use of your free membership by joining at your earliest opportunity if you have not already done so. Support future events of which there will be a number. Consider joining the Friends of Castle Cary Community Library as a volunteer. Above all, help make your library the hub of our community.