The Glovemaker by Ann Weisgarber

published by Mantle 2019
In this slow burn tale Ann Weisgarber gradually reels the reader in, building great depth of feeling for the main character, Deborah and her husband’s step brother, Nels who carries the burden of information which he keeps from her. They live in a remote community of Latter Day Saints beyond the Wastelands of Utah, having distanced themselves from the beliefs of their Mormon families and the laws of the time against plurality of marriage. When Tennessee marshal, Thomas Fletcher, arrives on Deborah’s patch carrying his rifle and demanding answers about a man on the run life becomes even more difficult for a woman who longs for the return of her itinerant wheelwright husband.
Ann Weisgarber has created a heroine of incredible courage in this engrossing historical novel which leads the reader to question what choice they would make in her shoes.
JC March ’19